Happy 18th Birthday!

My daughter’s best friend is 18 yrs old today.  She asked me over a month ago if I’d make her a “blinged out, full of frufru” birthday card.   I said I would…she has been reminding me every time she sees me.  LOL  Sooooo, I used one of my Whoopsi Daisy images to create this card:

I sure hope this is “blinged out and frufru’d” enough for her!  My daughter is on her way to deliver it right now.

I used sheet#264 to make this…

Thanks for looking!

Make It Monday –  Anything Goes

Lollipop Crafts – Anything Goes

Scrappy Frogs Challenge Blog – something That Flies

Craft Your Passion Challenges – BINGO – Flowers, Free, Bling

Party Time Tuesdays –  Use this photo as inspiration – logs of bling and sparkle

For Fun Challenges – A Very Special Birthday

Crafty Ribbons Challenge – Bingo – Glitter, Flowers, Gems

Card Makin’ Mamas – Die Cuts

You Could Be Wishing On a Star – Fairies & Blog Hop

13 comments on “Happy 18th Birthday!

  1. Oh I bet your daughter and her friend both loved it!! It is blingy and fufu to me!!

    Thanks for making “someone special” a birthday card with us at For Fun Challenges. Hope you will come by tomorrow as the new challenge will be posted.

  2. This is so cute! I think it is most definitely blinged out! I am sure your daughter’s bff loved it.
    I really love that fairy image you used, you colored her beautifully too.

    Thanks for hopping along with us over at Starla’s!!

  3. Wow…I would say that her friend will just love it!! You did a fabulous job blinging/fru fruing it out. Love all that wonderful sparkle and glitter. Great coloring of this cute image. So glad to see you joining in on Starla’s Blog hop challenge.

  4. So pretty and sparkly. Love the colours and sweet image.Thanks for joining us at Craft Your Passion. Hope to see you again next week 😀
    Lisa x

  5. Oh, wow! This is so gorgeous! I am sure your daughter’s friend is going to just LOVE it! I love all of the sparkle, and that image is beautiful. LOVE the sparkle! =) Thank you so much for playing along at my blog hop and challenge!

    xx Star

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