Whoopsi Daisy’s Tag It Challenge

I went somewhat simple for this challenge.  I wanted to create a book mark/tag.  The image I used is from sheet#266.

Guess what!  Whoopsi Daisy has started doing a ‘TOP 3’ challenge within their regular weekly challenges.  Here is the deal, if you are new to Whoopsi Daisy and do not own any of their stamps (I’m not sure why you wouldn’t, they are the most adorable stamps ever AND they are very affordable – we are talking less than $1 US dollars per image, actually closer to .75 cents an image!!! – whats even better?  They are having a buy one sheet get one sheet free sale!!!), Whoopsi Daisy gives a freebie away every month, just go to their shop and snag it!  Once you create and enter your card for the challenge that week, using one of their images you will be entered into the weekly challenge AND into the top 3 challenge!  Hows that for awesomeness?  This month’s freebie is so cute too – sweet little girl holding a heart…Oh the phrases I could come up for her!  If you win top 3 you get an adorable badge AND a free sheet of your choice.

Well…Here is my tag:

When ever I spray my projects with the shimmer mist I have a hard time getting a good picture, so I took a closer up shot of her

Isn’t she just too adorable?  This is what I mean by these stamps being the cutest ever!  🙂

Thanks for looking!

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