name signs

I am making these for some of the coders at work per the request of one of our coders who wants them to have them as a Christmas gift.  Here is what I have so far.  I still need to make two more.

I was told Kim likes Boise State – so I made hers Blue and Orange.


I was told Leni likes to read and likes movies.  Thought the newspaper might be a good touch.

I was told Maureen likes the beach.

Katie was harder – all I got was that she has a bucket list.  Thought the window was a good sign of looking into the future.  After I finished this I showed it to the person I’m making them for – she said Katie isn’t a cat person and requested I do something different.  I was going to add a pot of flowers but couldn’t find one I liked – so this is what I did.  From what I know of Katie – I’m thinking it is fitting??  LOL  Here is my “revamped” sign.


Annette loves to ride “top down”.  She belongs to the Miata Club.

Now what to do for the others…  I will let you know what I decide!


OK – Here is the one for Jancie –

So once again I’m redoing Katie’s – here is what I have…  Hope it is okay.

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